PriTel's LNHPFA and LNHPFA-NMA Series of Low-Noise High
Power Optical Fiber Amplifiers are designed for R&D applications
in 1550 nm telecommunications, fiber lasers, and optical switching.
The LNHPFA and LNHPFA-NMA Series offer the lowest noise and the highest
saturation output power at input powers as low as -30 dBm. Each model integrates
a low-noise preamplifier and a power amplifier into the same unit. In the LNHPFA
Series, the optical output from the preamplifier can be accessed, allowing the user
to place an optional tunable filter between the two stages to suppress ASE from
the preamplifier. In the lower-cost LNHPFA-NMA Series, no mid-stage access to
the optical output from the pre-amplifier is present. Short-pulse versions of the
LNHPFA and LNHPFA-NMA are also available using PriTel's Sub Picosecond
Optical Fiber Amplifiers.