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> > > > Pulse Compression Gratings - 2000 lines/mm、800nm

Pulse Compression Gratings - 2000 lines/mm、800nm

商品コード P4624 
型番 715.70x.xxx 
参考定価  - 
目安納期  - 


タイプ 反射型


溝本数 2000 lines/mm
動作波長 800 nm
最適入射角 8~23 °
回折効率 88~90 %




Pulse Compression Gratings

High efficiency diffraction gratings for pulse compression

When ordering a pulse compression grating, please use the following example format, or choose from the PC grating stock list below.

PC 1200 W x H x Thk 800 nm (TM/-1) constant deviation <10°

PC stands for Pulse Compression grating
1200 is the groove density (groove frequency) in grooves/mm
W is the blank dimension in mm parallell with the grating grooves
H is the blank dimension in mm perpendicular to the grating grooves
Thk is the blank thickness in mm
800 nm is the desired optimised wavelength. A range or range with peaked wavelength can also be specified
(TM/-1) is desired polarisation state and diffraction order the grating should be optimised for. TE and average (TM+TE)/2 can also be specified
Constant deviation 10° is the configuration the grating should be optimised for. Constant incidence angle can also be specified
Standard tolerances on W, H: ± 0.2 mm, Thk ± 0.5 mm. CA > 90 % of each dimension.

Standard sizes: 25 x 25 x 6 mm, 30 x 30 x 6 mm, 30 x 64 x 10 mm, 30 x 110 x 16 mm, 50 x 50 x 10 mm, 50 x 110 x 16 mm, 58 x 58 x 10 mm, 64 x 64 x 10 mm, 90 x 90 x 16 mm, 110 x 110 x 16 mm, 100 x 140 x 20 mm, 120 x 140 x 20 mm

Materials: Gold coating (Au) standard for λ > 750 nm. ZKN7 standard substrate material, Zerodur (Z) as option.

Other specifications available on request, contact our sales department!

Grating stock list (subject to prior sales):

Note: The absolute efficiency curves shown are only representative for the stated geometry and wavelength(s) and can vary depending on use geometry and measurement technique.