The LDX-3232 High Compliance Laser Diode Driver is the industrys only laser diode driver specifically developed for controlling high compliance voltage devices such as quantum cascade laser diodes. Careful attention to design allows these drivers to deliver up to 4A of low noise current at up to 15V with a stability of better than 20ppm. This performance is cricital for development of room temperature quantum cascade lasers and spectroscopic applications using quantum cascade lasers. In addition to precision current control, the LDX-3232 is loaded with standard features such as dual current ranges, constant power control, fine/coarse setpoint control, laser current and voltage measurement, photodiode current display modes, forward voltage adjustment and measurement, and an external modulation input. Furthermore, all of ILX Lightwaves proven laser diode protection strategies have been designed into each model including slow start, adjustable current limits and compliance voltage, intermittent contact protection, and shorting relays. In addition, the LDX-3232 accepts a TTL input that can be configured to turn off the output to the laser diode in an over-temperature condition. Remote operation in an R&D or production environment is afforded through the GPIB/IEEE-488 interface and a TTL output trigger.