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IPG Photonics Corporation

IPG Photonics is a leader in high-performance fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers operating over a wide range of wavelengths and output powers. Applications include materials processing, telecommunications and scientific research. IPG's 2 to 5 micron mid-IR lasers offer sensing, spectroscopy, materials processing and medical applications.
設 立 1991 年
従 業 員 数 1000-3000人
所 在 地 50 Old Webster Rd. Oxford, MA 01540
連 絡 先 (508) 373-1100
532nm, CW, Green Fiber Lasers, 5〜300W 2000〜2600nm, CW, Single-frequency Broadly Tunable Mid-IR Lasers, 200〜5000mW 1420/1425/1440/1455/1480nm, CW, Single and Dual Wavelength Raman Fiber Laser, 1/3/5W 1420/1425/1440/1455/1480nm, CW, Raman Laser Rack Mount, 1〜5W 1070nm, QCW, Multi-mode  Ytterbium Fiber Lasers, 300/900W 1070nm, QCW, Single-mode Ytterbium Fiber Lasers, 150/250W 1070nm, CW, Ytterbium Multi-mode Fiber Laser Modules, 200/300/400W 1070nm, CW, Multi-mode Rack Mountable Fiber Laser, 100/300/500/1000W 1455nm, CW, Single and Dual Wavelength Raman Fiber Laser, 1/5/10W 1065nm, ns, Pulsed Ytterbium Fiber Laser, 200W 1060〜1070nm, High Energy, Pulsed Ytterbium Fiber Lasers, 10/20/100W 1010〜1070nm, ps, Picosecond Ytterbium Fiber Laser, 20W 1060nm, ns, Short Pulse Ytterbium Fiber Laser, 18W
532nm, ns, Pulsed Green Fiber Laser Module, 5/10/20/30/50W 532nm, ns, Pulsed Green Ytterbium Fiber Laser, 10W 1900〜2050nm, CW, Thulium Fiber Laser Modules, 30/50/100/120W 960〜980nm, CW, Direct Diode Fiber Lasers, 100〜2000W 1900〜2050nm, CW, Thulium Fiber Laser Modules, 10/30/50/100/200W 1075nm, CW, Single Mode Linearly Polarized Yb Fiber Laser Systems, 10/50/100/300W 1529〜1620nm, CW, Eye-Safe High Power Single Mode Erbium Fiber Lasers, 10/20/50/100W 1070nm, CW, Ytterbium Single-mode Fiber Laser Modules, 200/300/400W 1070nm, CW, Ytterbium Single-mode Fiber Lasers, 100/300/500W 1070〜1080nm, CW/QCW, kW Class Ytterbium Fiber Laser System with Internal Cooling, 1〜6 kW 1070〜1080nm, CW/QCW, Compact kW Ytterbium Fiber Laser System, 0.5〜2 kW 1070〜1080nm, CW/QCW, kW Class Fiber Laser System, 0.5〜50 kW